When was the last time you drank eight glasses of water?

A recent study found that drinking adequate amounts of water prevents a number of diseases, including cancer. According to Susan Kleiner, Ph.D., R.D, and nutritionist (University of Washington), most of us need at least eight cups of water a day to stay hydrated and reap the health benefits.

If you feel thirsty, you have already become dehydrated.

Drinking water can assist in preventing certain cancers, decreasing the risk of kidney stones, fighting obesity and even improving your memory.

Find it difficult to get that water down?

Here are some ways to get through all eight glasses a day.

  1. Buy a few water bottles and refill them each evening for the next day. If you prefer chilled water, place them in the refrigerator so they are ready to go. I found that by knowing I need to only drink two-32 oz. bottles of water a day, it's not nearly as overwhelming as eight glasses...and also much easier for me to keep track of.

  2. Keep water bottles full in your car so that water is handy when you get thirsty and you aren't tempted to go to a drive-up window and order a coke.

  3. Don't like the taste of your tap? Bottled water from your grocery store is often less than $.50 per gallon. If this still seems like too much of an expense or hassle, buy a water filter for your faucet or a separate filter such as Britta.

  4. Need a change of pace? Add lemons, limes, even a strawberry for some added flavor.

Did you know?

  1. The brain is 75% water & that moderate dehydration can cause headaches and dizziness.

  2. Water regulates body temperature & carries nutrients and oxygen to all cells in the body.

  3. Blood is 92% water.

  4. Water moistens oxygen for breathing & protects and cushions vital organs.

  5. Water helps to convert food into energy & helps the body absorb nutrients.

  6. Water removes waste.

  7. Bones are 22% water & muscles are 75% water.

  8. Water cushions our joints.

For more information or to find out a more specific recommended water consumption amount contact the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) at (703) 683-5213 or http://www.bottledwater.org .


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