




Below is the information you will need to assist you in treating my patient:



First/ Last






As you are aware, some chronic pain conditions are such that extremely painful conditions can arise where
the required treatment of medication is more than the patient currently has on hand.

My patient is not a substance abuser but may need narcotic medications to treat this episode he/she is
currently experiencing.


Patient Information


Diagnosis: ____________________________________


Current preventive medication(s): __________________________________________________




Current abortive and/or pain medication(s): ___________________________________________




Medications known to be effective for this patient in an emergency situation:





It is often difficult for Pain Patients to receive proper care because of substance abusers
who go in looking to obtain narcotics for a �high�. I can assure you that such is not the case
with this patient.

Please feel free to call me with any questions regarding this patient's care.



Signature Date



Address Office Phone













This form provided by Our Chronic Pain Mission

� 2002 OCPM